Water Treatment Training and Education For Your Facility

Our mission at HOH is To Make A Lasting Impact With Water

That's why we provide free education and training for your team with every engagement. We share what we know because we believe that a knowledgeable team makes smarter decisions that save you time, money, and keep everyone safe.
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Water safety training for employees

Empowering Your Team To Make Your Water Work

Some water treatment providers want you to be dependent on them for every little thing. The more they keep you in the dark, they figure, the more they can oversell, overcharge, and overcomplicate.

That's not the HOH way.

Having served and listened to thousands of customers for the last 5 decades, we know that the facilities with the most cost-effective water treatment programs are the ones that combine professional expertise with an informed facility team that has a solid grasp of the basics.

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water safety training for employees

As the ultimate owners of your recirculating systems, we think it's critical for your facility team to understand:

  • External and internal threats to your system
  • Signals from your system that something is wrong
  • Equipment basics including routine maintenance and testing
  • Water safety including pathogen control and testing
  • Advanced analytics used to monitor your water systems

We provide value-added educational opportunities to address these issues (and more) during every visit – whether it's our first time on your site or a routine maintenance call. We'll always leave you knowing more than you did before so that you can continue to safely and effectively manage your systems.

Strategies To Save Energy, Conserve Water, and Extend The Life of Your Equipment

Effective water management is strategic and proactive and requires the guidance of experienced professionals. Our water quality engineers educate your team by:

Giving strategic advice on creating efficiencies and lowering costs
Conducting informal training during maintenance visits
Holding customized lunch & learns on a topic of your choice
Sharing tools and resources from our vast educational library
Helping you form your own water management or water safety team
Showing you how testing is done and helping you understand the results
Onboarding your new facilities members by sharing our tribal knowledge of your systems

Improve Water Management at your facility in 5 easy steps

Save time and money. The most successful water management programs start with 5 primary tactics.

Water treatment brochure download

Customized Lunch & Learns

In addition to the training that comes with all of our water treatment programs, we also offer lunch & learns on-demand /by request. Contact us to submit your request.